A variety of meetings the Lacan Salon offers weekly.
Summer 2011 / Lacan Salon Reading Group
Introduction to the Reading of Hegel Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit by Alexandre Kojeve Man is Self-Consciousness. He is conscious of himself, conscious of his human reality and dignity; and it is in this that he is essentially different from animals, which do not go beyond the level of simple Sentiment of Self. Man becomes conscious of himself at the moment when – for the “first” time – he says “I”. To…
Fall 2011 / Spring 2012 Schedule
Fall 2011 / Seminar II (1954-55) by Jacques Lacan The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis Sept 6 Introduction: Chapters I & II (pp. 3-24): Facilitating: Hilda Fernandez. Sept 20 (Music room: 8-10 pm) Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Repetition: Chapts. III, IV, V (pp. 27-63) Supplementary readings Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1921). Facilitating: Kyle Carpenter (Lacan), Clint Burnham (Freud) Oct 4 (Multimedia room: 8-10 pm) Chapts. VI, VII; The Freudian Schemata of the Psychic…
Fall 2010 / Spring 2011 Schedule
By Jacques Lacan The Ethics of Psychoanalysis Sept 7 Outline of the Seminar/Introduction to the Thing (Chapts. I-III; pp. 1-42) Hilda Fernandez ALSO: from Freud, The 1895 Project for a Scientific Psychology (SE I 330-335) (facilitating on Freud: Clint Burnham) Sept 14 Das Ding (Chapts. IV-VI; pp. 43-84). (Facilitating on chapt. IV: Clint Burnham; Chap VI Hilda Fernandez) Sept 28 Drives and things (Chapts. VII-IX; pp. 87-127); ALSO Joan Copjec, Imagine There’s No Woman: Ethics and Sublimation, Chapt. 1 (facilitating: Jon Smith/Kerry Pollock) Oct…
Summer 2010 / Lacan Salon Reading Group
Deleuze & Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia Part I: THE DESIRING MACHINES June 29th: An appetizer: Daniel W. Smith “The Inverse Side of Structure: Zizek on Deleuze and Lacan”; Desiring-Production, The Body Without Organs, the Subject and Enjoyment. July 3rd: Territorial Representation, The Barbarian Despotic Machine, Barbarian or Imperial Representation, The Urstaat (39 pages) July 6th: A Materialist Psychiatry, The Machines, The Whole and its Parts. July 10th: The Civilized Capitalist Machine, Capitalist Representation, Oedipus…
Fall 2009 / Spring 2010 Schedule
Fall 2009 / Seminar XVII By Jacques Lacan The Other Side of Psychoanalysis Aug 25 Facilitated by Hilda Fernandez Introduction by Hilda Fernandez; Chapter I, “Production of the Four Discourses” (pp. 11–26). Sept. 8 Facilitated by Dave Gaertner and Myka Abramson Chapters II, “The Master and the Hysteric” & III, “Knowledge, a Means of Jouissance” (pp. 29–53); Jacques-Alain-Miller, “On Shame” (11–28)* Sigmund Freud, “Fragment Of An Analysis Of A Case Of…
Fall 2008 / Spring 2009
Freud’s Papers on Technique (1953–54) By Jacques Lacan Seminar I September 2 Facilitated by Clint Burnham September 16 Facilitated by Clint Burnham IV: The ego and the other; V: Introduction and reply to Jean Hyppolite’s presentation of Freud’s Verneinung; Hyppolite “A Spoken Commentary on Freud’s Verneinung (see Appendix); VI: Discourse analysis and ego analysis; Freud “Negation” [SE XIX 235-9]. September 30 Facilitated by Dave Gaertner The Topic of the Imaginary VII: The topic…