Video Playlists

An assembly of recorded lectures and videos promoted by the Lacan Salon

  • Links,  Video Playlists


    In English Lacan Toronto Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland The Lacan School of Psychoanalysis CFAR: The Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research Après Coup Psychoanalytic Association Centre for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Culture P.L.A.C.E. World Association of Psychoanalysis Western Branch Psychoanalytical Society BC Clinical Counsellors Association Lacanian Ink Lacan on UBUweb International Journal of Zizek Studies Freud Museum Vienna Freud Museum Lacanian Compass Lacan in Ireland…

  • 2020,  2020,  Archive,  Publications,  Video Playlists

    Contours Journal: Issue 10 / “In a Time of Plagues”

    To read the issue, click here. To download the entire issue, here. Some highlights: Hilda Fernandez-Alvarez: “The Malaise of Distant Bodies and the Insistence of the Letter” Alessandra Capperdoni: “Noli me tangere: The Art of Parasitology in the Time of Coronavirus” Sanem Güvenç: “Writing Solitude or the Possibility of a (Feminine) Community (without an Exception) Wayne Wapeemukma: “Contagion Castration: Lacan’s Extimacy and Fanon’s Sociogeny on Anti-Indigenous Environmental Racism and Covid-19” Contours (online:…

  • 2023,  2023,  Archive,  Meetings,  Speaker Series,  Video Playlists

    Dany Nobus: Transformations of Lacan’s teaching and institutional transmissions from 1963 till 1967.

    Saturday, November 4, 2023 · 10 am – 12 pm PDT Online This inaugural talk of the Lacan Salon Speaker’s Series for 2023-24, Dany Nobus will present a lecture on the transformations in Lacan’s teaching and institutional transmissions from 1963 to 1967. Dany Nobus is a Professor of Psychoanalytic Psychology at Brunel University London, a Founding Scholar of the British Psychoanalytic Council, and a former Chair and Fellow of the Freud…

  • 2020,  2020,  Archive,  Publications,  Video Playlists

    Listening with Black Lives Matter

    “Listening with Black Lives Matter” is a series of Lacanian-adjacent responses to/analyses of the current Black Lives Matter moment. Psychoanalysis and Lacanian analysis has a mixed history with respect to race, colonialism, and anti-black racism (one that Sheldon George and Derek Hook address with the new Lacan and Race collection forthcoming from Palgrave), so this might be an opportunity to demonstrate what a political-critical theory approach related to psychoanalysis might offer…

  • 2015,  2015,  Archive,  Conferences,  Previous Conferences,  Video Playlists

    LaConference 2015: A Century on the Drive

    Lacan Salon, Vancouver, BC, May 15-17/2015 Call for Papers: A century ago, in 1915, Sigmund Freud wrote three fundamental works on metapsychology: Drives and Their Fates/Vicissitudes, Repression, and The Unconscious. These texts revised and solidified the theoretical foundations he had been working on since his Project for Psychology (1895). In his essay on the drives, Freud famously located the drives, “on the borderline between the mental and the physical – the psychic representative of stimuli flowing…

  • 2015,  2015,  Archive,  Conferences,  Previous Conferences,  Video Playlists

    Love and Jouissance: Conversation with Lacan on Feminine Sexuality

    Psychoanalysis reveals the unconscious sexuated in nature. Tied to the ontological question of how to be a woman or a man, the unconscious fails to fully represent an answer to such question. Comparing feminine to masculine sexuality, Freud asserted that “the sexual life of adult women is a ‘dark continent”[1] and he confessed that the question “that I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into…