Alternate Tuesdays

In alternate tuesdays, volunteer discussions of psychoanalytical themes and ideas.

  • 2024,  2024,  Alternate Tuesdays,  Archive,  Meetings

    Alternate Tuesday: Facts Are Meaningless Unless You Care, by Yuya Takeda

    When: May 21st, 2024 / 7PM-9PM (PST) Where: SFU Woodwards and online. Register here. Abstract: Conspiracy theories are both timeless and timely as a topic of study. In terms of timelessness, “belief in conspiracies is,” borrowing Robert V. Bullough Jr.’s words, “probably as old as human language and certainly as old as war.” Despite this, academic research on conspiracy theories is rather new. According to Katharina Thalmann, the first wave of…

  • 2024,  2024,  Alternate Tuesdays,  Archive,  Meetings

    The Radiance of Object Petit a

    The radiance of object petit aFacilitated by Hilda Fernandez Date: May 07th, 2024 @ 7-9pm (PST) Where: SFU Woodwards and online. Register here. I am about to start a session when I receive a call from my sister who tells me that my mother passed away in the hospital. I hear the news, and something invades my mind and my body. Overwhelmed with mental fog and sluggishness in my body: I cannot…

  • 2024,  2024,  Alternate Tuesdays,  Archive,  Meetings

    Alternate Tuesday: On the question of the feminine becoming an ism?

    Where: Online. Register here for Zoom link. When: June 18th, 07-09 pm (PST) On the question of the feminine becoming an ism? Facilitated by Leigh Tennant The concept of femininity traverses psychoanalysis, philosophy, feminism and popular culture and never fails to create movement. Femininity is deconstructed, rejected, idolized and censored in the social link but from a Freudo-Lacanian perspective, and in the context of the Alternate Tuesday discussions, what even is…

  • 2024,  2024,  Alternate Tuesdays,  Archive,  Meetings

    When the desire of the analyst meets the desire of the writer, what happens next?

    “When the Desire of the Psychoanalyst meets the Desire of the Writer, what happens next?” Facilitated by Désirée Jung When: April 09th, 2024 Where: SFU Woodwards, Room 2205, 7pm-9pm (PST) The even will be hybrid. For zoom link, register here. My name is Désirée Jung, and I am a writer and artist from Vancouver. I am also an analysand, a Brazilian, a Canadian, a sexuated woman, a void, and many other things I…

  • 2023,  2023,  Alternate Tuesdays,  Archive,  Meetings

    Lacan with No Theory

    Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Juan Luis de la Mora will be facilitating a hands-on introduction to some Lacanian concepts.   Topology studies the properties of shapes without worrying about distances or measurements. It describes how things are connected and related to each other and how they can be transformed without tearing or gluing. This means the appearance of a topological object is not as important as its connectedness and structural characteristics. Lacan…