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    Fall 2011 / Spring 2012 Schedule

    Fall 2011 / Seminar II (1954-55) by Jacques Lacan The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis Sept 6  Introduction: Chapters I & II (pp. 3-24): Facilitating: Hilda Fernandez. Sept 20  (Music room: 8-10 pm) Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Repetition: Chapts. III, IV, V (pp. 27-63) Supplementary readings Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1921). Facilitating: Kyle Carpenter (Lacan), Clint Burnham (Freud) Oct 4  (Multimedia room: 8-10 pm) Chapts. VI, VII; The Freudian Schemata of the Psychic…