Fall 2011 / Spring 2012 Schedule
Fall 2011 / Seminar II (1954-55) by Jacques Lacan
The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis
Sept 6
Introduction: Chapters I & II (pp. 3-24): Facilitating: Hilda Fernandez.
Sept 20
(Music room: 8-10 pm) Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Repetition: Chapts. III, IV, V (pp. 27-63) Supplementary readings Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1921). Facilitating: Kyle Carpenter (Lacan), Clint Burnham (Freud)
Oct 4
(Multimedia room: 8-10 pm) Chapts. VI, VII; The Freudian Schemata of the Psychic Apparatus: Chapt. VIII (pp. 64-101) Supplementary: Freud, The Origin of Psychoanalysis (Letters from Freud to Fliess) Letters 25,26,27. Facilitating: Ted Byrne (Chapter VI), Kerry Pollock (Remaining Lacan)
Oct 18
(Multimedia room: 8-10 pm) Chapts. IX, X (pp. 102-122) Supplementary Freud, Project for a Scientific Psychology (1895) Part I (SE I 330-391). Facilitating: All the group
Nov 1
(Music room: short session: 8:30-10 pm) Chapts. XI, XII (pp. 123-145) Supplementary: Freud, either: Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1916) SE XV Lecture 11th OR The Interpretations of Dreams (Chapter VII 1900) SE IV Pp 277-309 Both on “work of the dream.” Facilitating: Ryan Fitzpatrick.
Nov 15
(Multimedia room: 8-10 pm) Chapts XIII, XIV; Beyond the Imaginary, the Symbolic or from the Little to the Big Other: Chapt. XV (pp. 146-190); Supplementary readings: Freud, “Irma’s injection” dream, Interpretation of Dreams, SE 4: 96-121 [Chapt. 2]. Facilitating: Brad Murray (Lacan), Alessandra Capperdoni (Freud).
Nov 29
(Multimedia room: 8-10 pm) Chapts. XVI, XVII, XVIII (pp. 191-234) Freud Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1921) SE XVIII. Facilitating: Ian Angus (Lacan), Hilda Fernandez (Freud).
Dec 6
(Board room: 7-9 pm) Chapts. XIX, XX, XXI (pp. 235-273) The Ego and the Id (1923) SE XIX. Facilitating: Cris Costa (Lacan) and Chris Dzierzawa (Freud)
Dec 13 (Music room: 7-9 pm) Finale: Chapts. XXII, XXIII, XXIV (pp. 277-326). Facilitating: Emilio Allier-Montano
Seminar III (1955-1956)
The Psychoses
Jan. 3
(7-9 pm, multimedia room) INTRODUCTION TO THE QUESTION OF THE PSYCHOSES Chapt. I, 3-15 Facilitating: Clint Burnham
Jan. 17
(7-9 pm, multimedia room) Chapts. II-III, “The Meaning of delusion,” “The Other and psychosis,” pp. 16-43. Facilitating: Chris Dzierzawa
Jan. 31
(7-9 pm, multimedia room) Chapt. IV, “‘I’ve just been to the butcher’s’,” THEMATICS AND STRUCTURE OF THE PSYCHOTIC STRUCTURE, Chapt. V, “On a god who does not deceive and one who does,” pp. 44-72. Facilitating: Kyle Carpenter
Supplemental reading:* Freud: “Neurosis and Psychosis” (SE 19: 149-53), “The Loss of Reality in Neurosis and Psychosis” (SE 19: 187-87)
Feb. 14
(7:30-9:30 pm, room C) Chapts. VI-VII, “The psychotic phenomenon and its mechanism,” “The imaginary dissolution,” pp. 73-101 Facilitating: Hilda Fernandez
Feb. 28
(7:30-9:30 pm, room C) Chapts. VIII-IX, “The symbolic sentence,” “On nonsense and the structure of God,” pp. 102-129. Facilitating: Wayne Robinson
Mar. 13
(7:30-9:30 pm, room C) Chapts. X – XI, “On the signifier in the real and the bellowing-miracle,” “On the rejection of the primordial signifier,” pp. 130-157. Facilitating: Dylan Harvey
Mar. 27
(7:30-9:30 pm, room C) ON THE SIGNIFIER AND THE SIGNIFIED Chapts. XII – XIII, “The Hysteric’s Question,” “The Hysteric’s question (II): What is a woman?” pp. 161-182. Facilitating: Alessandra Caperdoni
Supplemental reading: Freud: “Fragment of an analysis of hysteria (Dora)” (SE VII: 3-124)
Apr. 10
(7-9 pm, music room) Chapts. XIV – XV, “The signifier, as such, signifies nothing,” “On primordial signifiers and the lack of one,” pp. 183-205 Facilitating: Chris Dzierzawa
Apr. 24
(7-9 pm, music room) Chapts. XVI – XVII, “Secretaries to the insane,” “Metaphor and metonymy (I): ‘His sheaf was neither miserly nor spiteful’,” pp. 206-221 Facilitating Jaime Kirtz
May 8
(7-9 pm, room B) Chapts. XVIII – XIX, “Metaphor and metonymy (II): Signifying articulation and transference of the signified,” “An address: Freud in the century,” pp. 222-244. Facilitating Wayne Robinson
May 22
(7-9 pm, room B) THE ENVIRONS OF THE HOLE Chapts. XX – XXI, “The appeal, the allusion,” “The quilting point,” 247-270 Facilitating All the group
June 5
(7-9 pm, room B) Chapts. XXII – XXIII, “‘Thou art the one who will follow me’,” “The highway and the signifier ‘being a father’,” pp. 271-294 Facilitating Clint Burnham
June 19
(7-9 pm, music room) Chapts. XXIV – XXV “‘Thou art’,” “The phallus and the meteor,” pp. 295-323. Facilitating Hilda Fernandez. Virtual guest Juan Manuel Rodriguez (speaking about the treatment for Psychosis from a psychoanalytical perspective)
*three other essential texts are Schreber’s Memoirs of My Nervous Illness, Freud’s “Psychoanalytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides)” (SE XII, 3-84), and Lacan’s “On a Question Prior to any Possible Treatment of Psychosis” (Écrits 445-488)
Other possible texts:
Sheila Kunkle, “Psychosis in a Cyberspace Age”, Other Voices, v.1, n.3 (January 1999) http://www.othervoices.org/1.3/skunkle/psychosis.php#t19
Bruce Fink, “Psychosis,” A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique (chapt. 7, pp 79-111)
Slavoj Žižek, “Love thy neighbour? No Thanks!”, The Plague of Fantasies, chapt. 2.
Eric Santner, My own private Germany: Daniel Paul Schreber’s secret history of modernity Princeton, 1996