Fall 2010 / Spring 2011 Schedule
By Jacques Lacan The Ethics of Psychoanalysis Sept 7 Outline of the Seminar/Introduction to the Thing (Chapts. I-III; pp. 1-42) Hilda Fernandez ALSO: from Freud, The 1895 Project for a Scientific Psychology (SE I 330-335) (facilitating on Freud: Clint Burnham) Sept 14 Das Ding (Chapts. IV-VI; pp. 43-84). (Facilitating…
Summer 2010 / Lacan Salon Reading Group
Deleuze & Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia Part I: THE DESIRING MACHINES June 29th: An appetizer: Daniel W. Smith “The Inverse Side of Structure: Zizek on Deleuze and Lacan”; Desiring-Production, The Body Without Organs, the Subject and Enjoyment. July 3rd: Territorial Representation, The Barbarian…
Fall 2009 / Spring 2010 Schedule
Fall 2009 / Seminar XVII By Jacques Lacan The Other Side of Psychoanalysis Aug 25 Facilitated by Hilda Fernandez Introduction by Hilda Fernandez; Chapter I, “Production of the Four Discourses” (pp. 11–26). Sept. 8 Facilitated by Dave Gaertner and Myka Abramson Chapters…
Fall 2008 / Spring 2009
Freud’s Papers on Technique (1953–54) By Jacques Lacan Seminar I September 2 Facilitated by Clint Burnham September 16 Facilitated by Clint Burnham IV: The ego and the other; V: Introduction and reply to Jean Hyppolite’s presentation of Freud’s Verneinung; Hyppolite “A Spoken…
Fall 2007 / Spring 2008
Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis Elaborated by Hilda Fernandez and Michael McConkey September 18 Background and Influences: Facilitated by Hilda Fernandez As a result of his time and influences, Lacan orchestrated an epistemic movement in the psychoanalytical field that centrally claimed a “return to Freud”.…
Winter / Spring 2018 Schedule
Joyce and the Sinthome (1975-1976) By Jacques Lacan Seminar XXIII In english, here, or by Comarc Gallagher, part 1, here, and part 2, here. In French, here. THE SPIRIT OF THE NODES January 2, SEMINAR 1: 18 NOVEMBER 1975 On the logical use…