Summer 2014 / Lacan Salon Reading Group
Life and Death in Psychoanalysis by Jean Laplanche Most critics have come to terms with the contradictions in Freud’s work by attempting to impose a unified system even at the cost of rejecting crucial metapsychological concepts such as the death wish. According…
Fall 2013 / Spring 2014 Schedule
Anxiety, Seminar X, by Jacques Lacan September 3 Seminar 1 (14 Nov/62), pp. 2-12 Facilitator: Hilda Fernandez. ALSO Freud Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety (1926) SE XX September 17 Seminar 2 (21 Nov/62), pp. 13-23 Facilitator: Chris Dzierzawa October 1 Seminar 3 (28 Nov/62), pp. 24-35; supplemental reading, Heidegger,…
Fall 2012 / Spring 2013 Schedule
September 4 The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I Function as Revealed in Psychoanalytical Experience (1949) pp 75-81; Aggressiveness in Psychoanalysis (1948) pp 82-101; ALSO Freud, “On Narcissism” (1914) SE XIV (pp 69-102) Facilitated by Hilda Fernandez September 19 “The Freudian Thing, or…
Summer 2012 / Lacan Salon Reading Group
Žižek reading group Less than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism Venue: Access Gallery 222 E Georgia 7-9 pm Tuesdays July 3 Introduction, Part I: The Drink Before; Chapter 1 Vacillating the Semblances, Chapter 2 Where There is Nothing, Read…
Summer 2011 / Lacan Salon Reading Group
Introduction to the Reading of Hegel Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit by Alexandre Kojeve Man is Self-Consciousness. He is conscious of himself, conscious of his human reality and dignity; and it is in this that he is essentially different from animals, which do…
Fall 2011 / Spring 2012 Schedule
Fall 2011 / Seminar II (1954-55) by Jacques Lacan The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis Sept 6 Introduction: Chapters I & II (pp. 3-24): Facilitating: Hilda Fernandez. Sept 20 (Music room: 8-10 pm) Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Repetition: Chapts. III,…