Alternate Tuesday: On the question of the feminine becoming an ism?
Where: Online. Register here for Zoom link.
When: June 18th, 07-09 pm (PST)
On the question of the feminine becoming an ism?
Facilitated by Leigh Tennant
The concept of femininity traverses psychoanalysis, philosophy, feminism and popular culture and never fails to create movement. Femininity is deconstructed, rejected, idolized and censored in the social link but from a Freudo-Lacanian perspective, and in the context of the Alternate Tuesday discussions, what even is this femininity we speak?
I will start the session by reading a short paper, but I welcome an open discussion on the texts referenced below.
Biography: Leigh Tennant is enthusiastic about spreading the effects of psychoanalysis in North America. Tennant was committed to the study and production of contemporary art and found an ideal context for this act at U.B.C. finishing her M.F.A in 2017. This commitment has morphed into an active participation in and love for psychoanalysis. The Lacan Salon has provided a satisfying point to orbit since then. Tennant lives in the beautiful desert landscape of Tkʼemlúps te Secwépemc, Kamloops B.C.
Texts and audio to support the conversation:
Sergio Benvenuto – AVATARS. THE DESIRE TO BE FEMALE, download here.
Marie-Hélène Brousse – Feminism With Lacan, download here
Lucie Cantin – Castration, in the podcast PENUMBRA(a)CAST