Listening to Covid-19
The pandemic caused by the virus COVID19, an event in the Real, has traversed human experience and has had an unprecedented impact, materially and fantasmatically, on notions such as space, time, body, affect, economy and politics.
This is a collection of perspectives on COVID-19, mostly engaging with Lacanian psychoanalytic thought that will approach the phenomenon from one of three categories: Clinical, Cultural and/or Political.
Clint Burnham: “COVIDeology in Six Parts”
Am Johal: ”Viral Time”
Alessandra Capperdoni: “The Voracious Desire of COVID-19”
Dan Collins: “Free Association”
Hilda Fernandez-Alvarez: “Enjoying COVID19? Movement, home and body”
Hilda Fernandez-Alvarez: “¿Se goza el COVID19? Movimiento, hogar y cuerpo”
Samir Gandesha: “The Gift of COVID-19”
Todd McGowan: “Corona and its Discontents”
Sanem Güvenç: “Viral Transmissions”
Alma Krilic: “How to Enjoy a Pandemic”
Matthew Flisfeder: “Social Distancing and its Discontents”
Ian Angus: “Loss of the Middle”
Alois Sieben: “The Gaze of Coronavirus”
David Pavón-Cuéllar: “Coronavirus as a Symptom”
Michael McAndrew: “Grief and COVID-19”
Calum Matheson: “Outside Agitators”
Larry Green: “The Transformation Potential of the Pandemic”