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Dan Adleman: On Psychoanalytic Identification and The New Rhetoric

When: August 22, 2004 @ 7pm – 9pm

Where: SFU Woodwards, Room 2205 (In Person) and on Zoom.

Please register here for online participation.

Dan Adleman will speak about his research into rhetorician Kenneth Burke’s co-optation of Freud’s concept of “identification.” After surveying Burke’s modifications of Freud’s theories of identification, he will bring Burke’s rhetorical approach to identification (and other psychoanalytic concepts) into conversation with Lacan’s understanding of the term.

Dan Adleman is a Director and Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in the University of Toronto’s Writing and Rhetoric Program. He is the co-author of Psychoanalysis and the New Rhetoric: Freud, Burke, Lacan, and Philosophy’s Other Scenes. His recent writing has appeared in Cultural Studies, Cultural Politics, Canadian Review of American Studies, English Studies in Canada, and European Journal of Psychoanalysis. He is also the co-founder and co-organizer of the Franklin Lecture Series, an interdisciplinary media theory lecture series held at the University of Toronto’s Innis College since 2018.