
A variety of meetings the Lacan Salon offers weekly.

  • 2015,  2015,  Archive,  Meetings,  Previous Salons,  Seminar Readings

    Fall 2015 Schedule

    Desire and its Interpretation By Jacques Lacan Seminar VI September 8 Seminar 20 (13.5.59) The Fundamental Phantasm Facilitator: Hilda Fernandez September 22 Seminar 21 (20.5.59) The Form of the Cut Facilitator: Alma Krilic October 6 Seminar 22 (27.5.59) Cut and Phantasm Facilitator: Chris Dzierzawa October 20 Seminar 23 (3.6.59) The Function of the Subjective Feint Facilitator: Clint Burnham November 3 Seminar 24 (10.6.59) The Neurotic’s Dialectic of Desire Facilitator: Désirée Jung…

  • 2014,  Archive,  Meetings

    Summer 2014 / Lacan Salon Reading Group

    Life and Death in Psychoanalysis by Jean Laplanche Most critics have come to terms with the contradictions in Freud’s work by attempting to impose a unified system even at the cost of rejecting crucial metapsychological concepts such as the death wish.  According to Jean Laplanche, “such variations or variants deserve better than a choice in favor of one or the other: they require an interpretation and such an interpretation implies that,…

  • 2013,  2013,  Archive,  Meetings,  Previous Salons,  Seminar Readings

    Fall 2013 / Spring 2014 Schedule

    Anxiety, Seminar X, by Jacques Lacan September 3 Seminar 1 (14 Nov/62), pp. 2-12 Facilitator: Hilda Fernandez. ALSO Freud Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety (1926) SE XX September 17  Seminar 2 (21 Nov/62), pp. 13-23 Facilitator: Chris Dzierzawa October 1  Seminar 3 (28 Nov/62), pp. 24-35; supplemental reading, Heidegger, chapt. 30 of Being & Time – “Fear as a mode of state-of-mind” Facilitator: Wayne Wapeemukwa October 15  Seminar 4 (5 Dec/62), pp. 36-47 Facilitator: Clint Burnham October 29  Seminar 5 (12 Dec/62), pp. 48-61 Facilitator: Alma…

  • 2012,  2012,  Archive,  Meetings,  Previous Salons,  Seminar Readings

    Fall 2012 / Spring 2013 Schedule

    September 4 The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I Function as Revealed in Psychoanalytical Experience  (1949) pp 75-81; Aggressiveness in Psychoanalysis (1948) pp 82-101; ALSO Freud, “On Narcissism” (1914) SE XIV (pp 69-102) Facilitated by Hilda Fernandez  September 19 “The Freudian Thing, or the Meaning of the Return to Freud in Psychoanalysis,” in Jacques Lacan, Écrits, trans. Bruce Fink, pp 334-363/401-436.* Facilitator: Désirée Jung ALSO Freud, ” On The History Of The Psychoanalytic…

  • 2012,  2012,  Archive,  Meetings,  Previous Salons

    Summer 2012 / Lacan Salon Reading Group

    Žižek reading group Less than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism Venue: Access Gallery 222 E Georgia 7-9 pm Tuesdays July 3 Introduction, Part I: The Drink Before; Chapter 1 Vacillating the Semblances, Chapter 2 Where There is Nothing, Read that I love you (pp 1-135) July 10  Chapt 3 Fichte’s Choice, Part II: The Thing Itself: Hegel; Chapt 4 Is it still possible to be a Hegelian today?…

  • 2011,  Archive,  Meetings

    Summer 2011 / Lacan Salon Reading Group

    Introduction to the Reading of Hegel Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit by Alexandre Kojeve Man is Self-Consciousness.  He is conscious of himself, conscious of his human reality and dignity; and it is in this that he is essentially different from animals, which do not go beyond the level of simple Sentiment of Self.  Man becomes conscious of himself at the moment when – for the “first” time – he says “I”.  To…