A variety of meetings the Lacan Salon offers weekly.
Alireza Taheri: The Late Modern Crisis of Sexuality
What Can Psychoanalysis Provide Beyond the Clash Between the Ideologies of Essentialism and Total Freedom? When: Saturday, Feb 3, 2024 (10:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST) Online Registration Abstract: Psychoanalysis holds that humans are speaking beings derailed from nature by speech and language. We are thus without essence, orphaned by nature. We therefore require cultural institutions to provide supplementation for this lack. Human cultures have always faced the task of regulating…
Fall 2023 / Spring 2024: Seminar XI and XII(1964) by Jacques Lacan
The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis September 12, 2023 Seminar 2, 3, 4, 5- The Unconscious and Repetition (pgs 17-67) Facilitator: Hilda Fernández September 26, 2023 Seminar 6 – The Split Between the Eye and the Gaze (pgs 67-79) Facilitator: Alois Sieben October 10 – ONLINE session: email for the Zoom link) Seminar 13 & 14- The Deconstruction of the Drive and The Partial Drive and its Circuit (pgs 161-187) Facilitator: Sanem Guvenc…
Dany Nobus: Transformations of Lacan’s teaching and institutional transmissions from 1963 till 1967.
Saturday, November 4, 2023 · 10 am – 12 pm PDT Online This inaugural talk of the Lacan Salon Speaker’s Series for 2023-24, Dany Nobus will present a lecture on the transformations in Lacan’s teaching and institutional transmissions from 1963 to 1967. Dany Nobus is a Professor of Psychoanalytic Psychology at Brunel University London, a Founding Scholar of the British Psychoanalytic Council, and a former Chair and Fellow of the Freud…
Francine Danniau: Exiled Tongues and Tales
Saturday, December 2 – 10am PST Online Refugees coming to an analytical practice are bringing along their tongues and tales. How to approach when none of us, refugee and analyst is speaking the same tongue. I will speak about my encounter with some of these analysands, refugees but not refusing to speak. Jacques Alain Miller refers to working with people not speaking the same native language. He says it brings in…
Lacan with No Theory
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Juan Luis de la Mora will be facilitating a hands-on introduction to some Lacanian concepts. Topology studies the properties of shapes without worrying about distances or measurements. It describes how things are connected and related to each other and how they can be transformed without tearing or gluing. This means the appearance of a topological object is not as important as its connectedness and structural characteristics. Lacan…
Spring 2017 / Fall 2017 Schedule
The Logic of Fantasy By Jacques Lacan Book XIV Translated by Cormac Gallagher, here. January 10 I. Session of 16 November 1966 Facilitated by: Paul Kingsbury January 24 II. Session of 23 November 1966 Facilitated by: Chris Dzierzawa February 7 III. Session of 30 November 1966 Facilitated by: Clint Burnham Additional reading: Jacques Alain Miller ‘Suture’ February 21 IV. Session of 7 December 1966 Facilitated by: Group discussion March 7 V. Session of 14…