• Summer 2011 / Lacan Salon Reading Group

    Introduction to the Reading of Hegel Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit by Alexandre Kojeve Man is Self-Consciousness.  He is conscious of himself, conscious of his human reality and dignity; and it is in this that he is essentially different from animals, which do not go beyond the level of simple Sentiment of Self.  Man becomes conscious of himself at the moment when – for the “first” time – he says “I”.  To…

  • Fall 2011 / Spring 2012 Schedule

    Fall 2011 / Seminar II (1954-55) by Jacques Lacan The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis Sept 6  Introduction: Chapters I & II (pp. 3-24): Facilitating: Hilda Fernandez. Sept 20  (Music room: 8-10 pm) Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Repetition: Chapts. III, IV, V (pp. 27-63) Supplementary readings Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1921). Facilitating: Kyle Carpenter (Lacan), Clint Burnham (Freud) Oct 4  (Multimedia room: 8-10 pm) Chapts. VI, VII; The Freudian Schemata of the Psychic…

  • LaConference 2011

    Lacan Salon, Vancouver, British Columbia Saturday, March 19, 2011 The Western Front 303 East 8th Avenue Organizing committee: Clint Burnham, Hilda Fernandez, Nancy Gillespie, Paul Kingsbury, Jesse Proudfoot and members of the Vancouver Lacan Salon 9:00 a.m. – 9:45: on site registration 9:45: Opening remarks: Hilda Fernandez, Lacan Salon 10:00 – 11:15: Session I, Clinical Alejandro Cerda The time given: A return to Freudian metapsychology Hilda Fernandez Some Reflections On Paranoia In Aronofsky’s  Black Swan Evan C. Strauss Examining Dhrupad: Symbolism,…