Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 Schedule
Fall 2021 / Seminar IX (1961-1962) by Jacques Lacan
Translated by Cormac Gallagher
The English translation of Seminar IX: Here
The French version of Seminar IX: Here
As we begin the Salon in the fall of 2020, we will be maintaining our virtual, zoom-enabled practice for the time being, due to restrictions on gatherings in British Columbia and Simon Fraser University guidelines. Thank you for your patience for those of you missing the in-person sessions (as most of us are!) and welcome, also, to our visitors from outside Vancouver who have joined us since March. The internationalization of the Salon is a real pleasure. Readings for this Seminar are available at lacaninireland.com, Cormac Gallagher’s essential resource.
September 8
Lesson 1: Wednesday 15 November 1961 (pgs. 2-10)
Facilitator: Hilda Fernandez
September 22
Lesson 2: Wednesday 22 November 1961 (pgs. 11-18)
Facilitator: Alessandra Capperdoni
October 6 (double)
Lesson 3: Wednesday 29 November 1961 (pgs. 19-27)
Facilitator: Clint Burnham
Lesson 4: Wednesday 6 December 1961 (pgs. 28-37)
Facilitator: Rawia Inaim
October 20
Lesson 5: Wednesday 13 December 1961 (pgs. 38-45)
Facilitator: Paul Kingsbury
November 3
Lesson 6: Wednesday 20 December 1961 (pgs. 46-57)
Facilitator: Group discussion
November 17
Lesson 7: Wednesday 10 January 1962 (pgs. 58-70)
Facilitator: Sanem Guvenc
December 1 (double)
Lesson 8: Wednesday 17 January 1962 (pgs. 71-82)
Facilitator: Rosemary Overell
Lesson 9: Wednesday 24 January 1962 (pgs. 83-92)
Facilitator: Ziwei Yan
December 15
Lesson 10: Wednesday 21 February 1962 (pgs. 93-101)
Facilitator: Alma Krilic
January 5
Lesson 11: Wednesday 28 February 1962 (pgs. 102-111)
Facilitator: Clint Burnham
January 19
Lesson 12: Wednesday 7 March 1962 (pgs. 112-125)
Facilitator: Eugenie Austin
February 2 (double)
Lesson 13: Wednesday 14 March 1962 (pgs. 126-136)
Facilitator: Carlos Gomez Camarena
Lesson 14: Wednesday 21 March 1962 (pgs.137-147)
Facilitator: Ziwei Yan
February 16
Lesson 15: Wednesday 28 March 1962 (pgs. 148-158)
Facilitator: Sanem Guvenc
March 2
Lesson 16: Wednesday 4 April 1962 (pgs. 159-167)
Facilitator: Hilda Fernandez
March 16 (double)
Lesson 17: Wednesday 11 April 1962 (pgs. 168-190)
Facilitator: Rosemary Overell
Lesson 18: Wednesday 2 May 1962 (pgs. 191-208)
Facilitator: Alois Sieben
March 30
Lesson 19: Wednesday 9 May 1962 (pgs. 209-218)
Facilitator: Gregory Duby
April 13
Lesson 20: Wednesday 16 May 1962 (pgs. 219-227)
Facilitator: Désirée Jung
April 27 (double)
Lesson 21: Wednesday 23 May 1962 (pgs. 228-238)
Facilitator: Kyler R.
Lesson 22: Wednesday 30 May 1962 (pgs. 239-251)
Facilitator: Clint Burnham
May 11
Lesson 23: Wednesday 6 June 1962 (pgs. 252-271)
Facilitator: Alessandra Capperdoni
May 25
Lesson 24: Wednesday 13 June 1962 (pgs. 272-287)
Facilitator: Alma Krilic
June 8
Lesson 25: Wednesday 20 June 1962 (pgs. 288-299)
Facilitator: Group discussion
June 22 (final Salon until fall 2021)
Lesson 26: Wednesday 27 June 1962 (pgs. 300-313)
Facilitator: Rosemary Overell
Resources for Seminar IX
Lorenzo Chiesa: “Count-as-one, Forming-into-one, Unary Trait, S1”
Ed Pluth, “Lacan’s Subversion of the Subject” Continental Philosophy Review, 2006
Friedman Michael Friedman “Torus and Identification: The Beginning of Lacanian mathematics” in Psychoanalysis Topological Perspectives, Transcript 2016 (Tomsic and Freidman Eds.) (See also Friedman’s footnote, where he mentions, besides Chiesa & Pluth: Granon-Lafont 1985; 1990; Darmon 1990; Moncayo 2012)
Friedman: “On Repetition and the Limits of Formalization”
On topology (from Sanem in summer 2020): tba
Ellie Ragland & Dragan Milanovic’s 2004 edited book, “Lacan, Topologically Speaking” available on libgen.
Jeanne Lafont’s “Ordinary topology of Jacques Lacan”
Michael Friedman and Samo Tomsic’s 2016 edited book, “Psychoanalysis: Topological Perspectives”.
Paul Kingbury’s 2007 article on extimacy (in Social and Cultural Geography)
Will Greenshield’s “Writing the Structures of the Subject”