Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups Fourteenth Annual Conference
In partnership with the Lacan Salon
APW 2016
ON LOVE: Vancouver, BC, 30 July – 1 August 2016
Love calls everyone of us, either to celebrate its wonders or to lament its absence. To praise its beauty or to denounce its complex nature.
In Civilization and Its Discontents (1930), Freud figures love (Eros) in its opposition to civilization. He states that community life relies on “a two-fold foundation: the compulsion to work . . . and the power of love” (SE 21, 101). But although love is a foundation of civilization, a “rift between them seems unavoidable” (SE 21, 103).
For his part, Lacan first approaches love as one of three human passions, alongside hate and ignorance. Starting from his famous maxim, “love is giving what you don’t have” (Seminar 8, 121), Lacan provides a number of figures of love in the form of aphorisms: love as a gift; “one knows nothing of love without hate” (Seminar 20, 91); love as always reciprocal; love is wall, l’amur, between the sexes; and “Only love allows jouissance to condescend to desire” (Seminar 10, 179).
Given Freud’s and Lacan’s formulations on love, a number of important questions arise:
· How do we understand Eros as a model of happiness for the modern couple?
· How does love intervene in the analytic setting?
· How do we conceptualize love as a social bond? What else can be said of love in our current times?
· What are the manifestations of kinds of love other than Eros—philia, caritas, storge, agape—in the analytic, social, and political settings?
· What is the status of love as transference?
· What are the relations between love and sexual enjoyment?
· Do subject positions (male/female) involve divergent positions from which to love?
· What dialectics among love and fantasy or love and desire are manifested in the clinic?
· What is the status of the object—the phallus, the other, object a—in current love constellations?
· Is love sublimation? Or is sublimation a transformation of love into something else?
*Art: The Lovers (1928) Rene Magritte
14th APW Conference On Love in partnership with the Lacan Salon
The Fourteen APW Conference “On Love” is a partnership between the Vancouver-based Lacan Salon and the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups. The focus of this conference is clinical; however, we have a number of papers that verse on issues of contemporary social and political issues. We hope to create dialogue between clinicians, academics and community members on the applicability of Lacanian theory to think the concept of love: from the modern couple to the analytic setting; from the nature of social bonding, to cultural production to political elements. We are interested in interrogating the status of love with regards to transference, sublimation, happiness, gender, fantasy or desire.
Veronique Voruz. course director, MA in Psychoanalysis, Kingston University, London Analyst of the School, member of the Ecole de la Cause freudienne, of the New Lacanian School and of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, Assistant editor for La Cause du désir, journal of the ECF, managing editor for The Lacanian Review, English-speaking journal of the WAP, co-editor of The Late Lacan, SUNY 2007 and author of many articles in academic and psychoanalytic publications.
Anne Dufourmantelle has a PhD in Philosophy (Sorbonne Paris IV) and a Master’s in Humanities (Brown univ, Providence, USA). She has been a Psychoanalyst since 1990 and is a member of the Après Coup association (NYC) and the Cercle Freudien and Insistance (Paris). Anne has also published non-fiction books in the area of philosophy and psychoanalysis, at Calmann-Levy ed. (1996-2003) and Stock ed (2003-2012). She has published lectures, seminars and books, such as L’Eloge du risque (2014), Défense du secret, and Of Hospitality with Jacques Derrida. Teaches at EGS (European graduate school/Switzerland) and a seminar of psychoanalysis in Paris.
Nestor Braunstein (virtual participation) A former professor of Psychoanalysis at the Universities of Córdoba (Argentina), UNAM (México), etc. Author of Memory and dread or the memory of childhood (2010), La jouissance: un concept lacanien (1994, 2nd ed. 2006). Traducir el psicoanálisis. Traduire la psychanalyse to be published in Paris in November. Pioneer of Lacanian Psychoanalysis in Mexico and a frequent lecturer throughout the world. He is living and teaching in Barcelona (Spain).
Russell Grigg practices psychoanalysis in Melbourne and teaches philosophy at Deakin University. He has been a major influence introducing Lacanian psychoanalysis in Australia. A member of the Ecole de la cause freudienne (Paris) and the Lacan Circle of Melbourne (Melbourne), he has been closely involved in the translation of Lacan into English, having translated Lacan’s Seminar III, The Psychoses and Seminar XVII, The Other Side of Psychoanalysis and collaborated with Bruce Fink on the translation of Écrits. His books include: Female Sexuality (1999), Lacan, Language and Philosophy (2009), and with Justin Clemens, Jacques Lacan and the Other Side of Psychoanalysis: Reading Seminar VII (2006). He has published on questions of logic, language, and ethics, as well as on clinical issues concerning psychosis and neurosis.
Mari Ruti is professor of critical theory at the University of Toronto, and currently visiting professor of women, gender, and sexuality at Harvard University. She works at the intersection of continental philosophy and psychoanalysis. She is the author of ten books, including The Singularity of Being: Lacan and the Immortal Within (2012), The Call of Character: Living a Life Worth Living (2013), and Between Levinas and Lacan: Self, Other, Ethics (2015).
In addition to the conference, we are organizing few satellite events that will expand discussions of the conference to the community at large.
Friday July 29
Art Exhibition: “The Fraud that Goes Under the Name of Love”
Curated by Amy Kazymerchyk and cheyanne turions.
SFU Audain Gallery – 149 West Hastings, Vancouver, B.C.
This event is open all and free of charge
This event will be the closing of the art show and is the opening for the APW Conference. It will involve a curatorial tour at 8pm followed by a social gathering.
Saturday July 30 Conference.
Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre, Woodward’s, 149 W. Hastings St.
09:00 to 09:30 Welcome and opening remarks Dan Collins, APW; Hilda Fernandez, Lacan Salon
09:30 to 10:30 Panel 1
Carlos Rivas, “Are Gay Men Able to Love? Psychoanalysis and Transference Inside and Outside the Analyst’s Office”
Kevin Murphy, “Love in a Time of No Sexual Relation—A Consideration of Love in Terms of Sex, Jouissance, Object a and Sexuation”
10:30 to 10:45 BREAK
10:45 to 11:45 Keynote Address: Véronique Voruz, “It’s Complicated!”
11:45 to 13:15 LUNCH
13:15 to 14:00 Panel 2: Social Limits to Love
Wayne Wapeemuka, “Neighbourly Love”
Clint Burnham, “‘This is the one I love’: The Cree Mirror Stage and the Question of Indigenizing Psychoanalysis”
14:00 to 15:00 Panel 3
Jaleh Mansoor, “There is No Love Where There is Capitalism: Notes on Fundamental Antagonism and the Everyday Trouble of Contradiction and Discontent”
Alma Krilic, “The Love Machine”
Christine Evans, “What Love Knows: Lacan and the Absolute in Love”
Sunday July 31 Conference.
Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre, Woodward’s, 149 W. Hastings St.
9:00 to 10:00 Panel 4
Dan Collins, “Contributions: Freud’s Book on Love”
Hilda Fernandez, “On Passions and Being”
10:00 to 10:15 Break
10:15 to 11:00 Néstor Braunstein “The Lovework at the Age of Its Mechanical Reproductibility”
11:00 to 12:00 Keynote Address: Anne Dufourmantelle, “Desire, Love, and Sovereignty”
12:00 to 13:30 LUNCH
13:30 to 14:30 Panel 5
Carol Owens and Stephanie Swales, “I Love You to Death—Putting Together the Pieces of Ambivalence”
14:30 to 14:45 BREAK
14:45 to 16:00 Panel 6
Francine Danniau, “Mo(u)rning Love”
Eve Watson, “Loving the ‘Queer’? Contemporary Considerations of Psychoanalysis and Sexuality”
Salvatore Guido, “For the Love of Freud”
Evening Film Screening and a party
Vancity Theatre
A film screening of Birth (2004) directed by Jonathan Glazer, followed by two short responses , Q&A and a party in foyer.
Discussants: Christine Evans is a lecturer in Film Studies at UBC. Her research focuses on love and the intersections between film theory, continental philosophy and Lacanian psychoanalysis.
Ona Nierenberg is a psychoanalyst practicing in NYC, a Senior Psychologist at Bellevue Hospital Center, and a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at New York University Langone Medical Center. She has published articles on psychoanalysis, sexuality, and the discourse of science, as well as on licensing and the question of lay analysis. She is a member of Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association and an Overseas Member of APPI.
Monday August 1. End of Conference
Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre, Woodward’s, 149 W. Hastings St.
9:00 to 10:30 Panel 7: Literary Loves and Lives
Erin Soros, “‘Forgive you? For what?’: Reconciling Love in Disgrace
Paul Kingsbury, “Sherlock Holmes as Sinthome: Knotting Together Love and Literature with The Stormy Petrels of British Columbia”
Pascal Christeller, “Hannah Arendt in Love with Heidegger the Analyst: Psychoanalysis through (Auto)biography”
Alessandra Capperdoni, “Love, Hate, and Inauthenticity in Ugo Tarchetti’s Fosca: Literature as Clinical Practice”
10:30 to 10:45 BREAK
10:45 to 11:30 Mari Ruti “Why Some Things Matter More than Others: A Lacanian Explanation”
11:30 to 12:30 LUNCH
12:30 to 13:15 Russell Grigg, “Transference Love”
13:15 to 13:30 BREAK
13:30 to 15:00 Panel 8
Liora Stavchansky, “Playing as an Experience of Love in the Clinical Practice with Children”
Michael Hejazi, “Love and Critical Incidence in Secure Residential Treatment”
Nancy Gillespie, “Love and Ordinary Psychosis”
15:00 Closing remarks Hilda Fernandez and Dan Collins
Tuesday August 2
Panel “Intersections Indigeneity, Refugees, Affect and Trauma”
within the “Lecture Series on Psychoanalysis” SFU Institute for the Humanities and Lacan Salon.
SFU Harbour Centre room 7000 6-8pm
Panelist: Patricia Barkasas, Clint Burnham, Anne Dufourmantelle, Samir Gandesha, Veronique Voruz
Chair: Hilda Fernandez
The 14thAPW Conference is generously supported by:
SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement
SFU Institute for the Humanities
SFU Department of English