Current Cartels
With the Lacan Salon’s 2025 Laconference on Feminine Desire, quickly approaching; A close reading of Jacques Lacan’s infamous seminar 20, On Feminine sexuality, the limits of love and knowledge (1998/1972-73) seems pertinent. A half century later, much has changed… “Or has it?” In our time, the central question of Lacan’s Seminar XX, Encore, is often considered solved, or perhaps irrelevant; sexual difference does not exist. How could a theory of sexuation…
Cartel: The Lacanian Baby
Argument The human subject is born prematurely, the so-called baby, and is incapable of sustaining life by itself, so an utter dependency is born between the baby and the Other of care. Lacanian psychoanalysis is one of the most sophisticated theories ever articulated about human subjectivity, as it provides a trajectory of psychic subject formation that includes the three registers of human experience and a temporality before one’s birth. We want…
Cartel: Crossing Paths of Counselling and Lacan
Diverse questions are welcomed from counsellors who may want to incorporate Lacanian psychoanalytic ideas into their practice and or, Lacanians who might view “counselling” as a way to develop a practice as a Lacanian Psychoanalyst where other options for licencing are limited, etc… Please email if you are interested in joining.