• Fall 2010 / Spring 2011 Schedule

    By Jacques Lacan  The Ethics of Psychoanalysis Sept 7  Outline of the Seminar/Introduction to the Thing (Chapts. I-III; pp. 1-42)  Hilda Fernandez ALSO: from Freud, The 1895 Project for a Scientific Psychology (SE I 330-335) (facilitating on Freud: Clint Burnham) Sept 14  Das Ding (Chapts. IV-VI; pp. 43-84). (Facilitating on chapt. IV: Clint Burnham; Chap VI Hilda Fernandez) Sept 28  Drives and things (Chapts. VII-IX; pp. 87-127); ALSO Joan Copjec, Imagine There’s No Woman: Ethics and Sublimation, Chapt. 1 (facilitating: Jon Smith/Kerry Pollock) Oct…

  • Summer 2010 / Lacan Salon Reading Group

    Deleuze & Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia Part I: THE DESIRING MACHINES June 29th: An appetizer: Daniel W. Smith “The Inverse Side of Structure: Zizek on Deleuze and Lacan”; Desiring-Production, The Body Without Organs, the Subject and Enjoyment. July 3rd: Territorial Representation, The Barbarian Despotic Machine, Barbarian or Imperial Representation, The Urstaat (39 pages) July 6th: A Materialist Psychiatry, The Machines, The Whole and its Parts. July 10th: The Civilized Capitalist Machine, Capitalist Representation, Oedipus…