About us

Who are we?

  • About us

    About Us

    Lacan Salon is a psychoanalytic study group based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The purpose of the Salon is to share, discuss, and promote the transmission of psychoanalytic discourse by creatively reading and engaging with the works of Jacques Lacan and Sigmund Freud in a non-reductive way. We discuss a wide range of topics such as subjectivity, the analytic act, and cultural phenomena. We place a premium on close, critical readings…

  • About us,  Board of Directors

    Board of Directors

    Dr. Hilda Fernandez-Alvarez (President) is a Vancouver-based Lacanian psychoanalyst with over 30 years of clinical experience in public and private settings in both Mexico and Canada. Her doctoral research analyzes trauma and healing discourses in public mental health institutions. A co-founder of the Lacan Salon in 2007, she continues to serve as its president and has led clinical seminars since 2015. She is also an associate of Simon Fraser University’s Institute for…

  • About us,  Contact Us

    Contact Us

    Welcome to the Lacan Salon’s contact page! We’re thrilled to connect with fellow enthusiasts of psychoanalysis and intellectual exploration. Our engaging sessions convene in person and online every second Tuesday, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm Pacific Time, in Room 2205 at SFU Woodwards, 149 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC. Email secretarylacansalon@gmail.com to receive the zoom link for online access. Please note that our gatherings take a hiatus during the summer months. For the most up-to-date…